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Arrival / Departure
No children are to arrive at school prior to 8.00am
Children arriving at school between 8:00am and 8:15am will be unsupervised. They may move to their classroom area and place bags on the racks. They are to proceed to the Multi-Purpose Area (MPA). They must be seated, talking quietly only.
At 8:15am a teacher commences duty to supervise the children.
At the 8:30am bell children move to their classrooms to begin the day. (Assembly is held on Thursday mornings)
Please note: Classrooms open at 8.22am. Prep students must initially be taken to the Prep classroom by an adult (or older sibling after confirmation with the class teacher). Following consultation with the teacher, prep students can walk to the prep room themselves.
Students may proceed to the bottom car park under supervision of a teacher if that is their collection point, other students are to proceed to the MPA to await collection. Parents are to collect children from the MPA. Students are seated in this area under the supervision of a teacher. Students are to remain seated while waiting and are not permitted to play during this time.
School concludes at 2:50pm and students are to be picked up at this time. At 3:05pm any students still waiting move to the office and parents will be contacted.
8:30am - 10:45am - Session 1
10:45am – 11:25am - First Lunch
11:30am – 1:00pm - Session 2
1:00pm – 1:20pm - Second Lunch
1:25pm - 2:50pm - Session 3
Parents are required to contact the school office using the school app (Preferred), by phone (07 4994 8365) or email ( to inform of a child's absence from school. Students who leave school for any reason must be collected from the School Office by a parent or responsible adult nominated by the parent. The student must and be signed out at the admin by an adult.
We hold an assembly every week. The purpose is to enable us to gather as a community to pray, greet, to inform and to celebrate as one.
Thursday morning – 8.30am in the MPA. This assembly commences with the National Anthem, followed by ‘Champion of the Week’ awards, other academic and sporting awards and any relevant notices. Student and staff birthdays are also celebrated at this assembly. Each week the students will join in singing a song used during masses, liturgies and M.J.R.