Learning & Teaching
At St Brigid’s we believe that the child sits at the centre of life-long, life-wide learning. We strive to present a curriculum that develops each child; spiritually, emotionally, socially, mentally and physically. St Brigid’s implements the Australian Curriculum and is guided by the Rockhampton Diocesan Learning Framework and the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority. Our staff believe in collective efficacy and reflective practices and participate in these to ensure the best educational outcomes for all. We offer a variety of teaching and learning experiences including: explicit instruction, inquiry, investigative and play based learning opportunities. Extra-curricular activities are encouraged to facilitate student interaction within the school, wider community and the world.
Australian Curriculum
Humanities and Social Science
The Arts – Music, Visual Arts, Dance, Drama, Media Arts
Health and Physical education
Diocesan Learning Framework
Religious Education
Rockhampton Religion Curriculum
Making Jesus Real – MJR
Sacramental Programs
Personal and Social Development Education
Student Well-being and Mental Health Framework
Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority
Supporting documents